VillagerPvP Rules

Discord Rules:

Rule 1: Use Common Sense

Rule 2: Do not spam in any channel besides 🔥┆spam .

Rule 3: Do not spam any @Staff Team members as well.

Rule 4: No NSFW

Rule 5: No impersonating any Staff, that will be an immediate Ban

Rule 6: Do not abuse your permissions, you’ve been granted them since you proved yourself a reliable person. It's best not to break that trust. If you do not heed this warning you will be banned.

Rule 7: If you have any questions feel free to check out 🗒┆faq, if that is not sufficient enough then feel free to ask any staff for extra assistance.

Rule 8: Absolute no phishing or doxxing attempts of members in the server. If you are caught doing so you will be banned immediately.

Rule 9: Feel free to go crazy on the 😂┆memes we are pretty tolerant on any form of our internet culture. It can be a broad range of dark memes , horror, weird/creepy, chill, normie, etc.

Just as long you don’t break that boundary. Feel free to post your own artwork as well at 🎨┆art all art is accepted as long its not NSFW. Besides that just use common sense . Heck feel free to go in heated discussions at #deleted-channel as well!

Rule 10: Have a thick skin . Welcome to the internet

Rule 11: Play around and have fun, as long your learning that is all that matters.

Rule 12: To advertise use 📢┆self-promote

VillagerPvP Rules

Rule 1: No Hacking/Xray

Rule 2: No Spam/Dox

Rule 3: No NSFW

Rule 4: No Abuse/ Harassment

Rule 5: No lag machines

Rule 6: Use Common Sense


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Faction Rules

Rule 1: Griefing is allowed

Rule 2: Spies are allowed

Rule 3: Take advantage of any situation

Rule 4: Got beef? Use our discord chat #faction-beef to talk "things" out

Rule 5: /k create name to start!

Global Server Chat Rules

To make it easier for servers with their various rules & guidelines, the global chat will only have to follow the following agreements:

Rule 1: Use Common Sense

Rule 2: No NSFW

Rule 3: No Spam

Rule 4: No Phishing or Doxxing

Global Chat Rule Breaks
Any user that violates any of these rules 3x times , will be muted/banned from using 🌎┆global-chat until their respective server staff decides other wise.

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