VillagerPvP Updates

Hub World Creation

October 30, 2021
Jonathan Almawi Minecraft Server Owner of VillagerPvP , MC Survival and Factions
Jonathan Almawi

Good morning all,

VillagerPvP has began its transformation to a Hub World. During the past year we were mainly a survival/factions world consisting of of improvement of life features for Minecraft that enhances the overall experience of playing an smp or factions play setting. This included modified mobs, dungeons, items, weather, etc.
However during that expansion in enchanting the playthrough experience the difficulty of surviving in such a world increased, thus making it harder for newer players to adapt to the already seasoned players on the server. This is where the hub world comes into play.

Hub World Setting

The hub world will consist of two portal nodes, one to our "normal" Minecraft that most VillagerPvP members know of and another portal to a more "vanilla" experience that most new players to our community know of. With a couple of key differences of including the mobs from VillagerPvP to the vanilla and a couple of addons such as dynamic lighting. This will help get the new player comfortable with the various mobs that they will encounter on VillagerPvP and help them hone in their skills to survive in a more challenging and rewarding experience on VillagerPvP.

As of now VillagerPvP is re-updating itself to suit the Hub World needs, will update soon in regarding the progress of the server.

Do thank you for your continued support, just remember to keep this motto in mind when joining VillagerPvP

Main Motto
- Survive
- Adapt
- Die
- Overcome

Something to keep in mind of 😉

Join Now!